Stop Motion Final Videos

I am now going to move on from using objects for the animations. I am going to use people but still using stop motion. I am going to still produce a few more test videos with people and work towards an end video with a solid story behind it purely using stop motion animation.
Inspired by the "Sleepy Head" video I went ahead and did my own section. If I were to do it again i would have more control over the lighting because in this video the lighting varies too much for what i intended.

I have started to make my own stop motion animation short movie. This will consist of 5 scenes in various locations.

In scene 1 i found myself easily taking the photos and instructing my model to how i want the pictures to look. This scene was shot indoors, the use of artificial light meant that it stayed consistent and i did not have a problem with it.

In scene 2, un like scene one which was indoors, this was outdoors. The shoot started well and I got the images I wanted. As it went on the light played a factor because it was getting dark very quickly and early. Because of this issue I found that the pictures of the model became very blurred and the camera shutter speed was getting longer as time went on, this was so it could adjust to the conditions we were in.
This is my Stop Motion animation video that i have been working on. What I liked about this project was the freedom to move the figure in any way I wanted and be as creative as I could. I found difficult working outside in the natural like as I found myself struggling to keep up with the shutter speed. When I had a fast peace of action to capture 1 fps was not enough. I may complete this at a later date if i can get hold of a camera that shoots at 7 fps.

From the work I did last year and discovering from other photographers in my personal dissertation I realised that I had become more interested in the actual movement of the body without digital manipulation. I really admire the work of Eaward Muybridge, the appreciation that you get from the movement of the body or animals which gives you more appreciation of the physical form and how things move. This is a prompted an idea for the next strand, I intend to use HD film to create short super slow motion videos of the moving body and how the figure adapts to the pressure on the bones and muscles within an action movement.